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Most downloads over all time
169301-169320 of all 180,671 gems.
169,2841,989InforNutricional"Esta gema calcula datos relacionados con la información nutricional de un alimento com...
169,2841,989siteguard_lite-log-parserA log parser for SiteGuard Lite WAF
169,2841,989demalculatorDone for the purpose of learning bundler and gems
169,3041,988responder_botUse matchers to define a series of commands available to an SMS or other chat interface...
169,3041,988newsweeknewsweek - what's news? browse week by week - 99 channels, 1237 items
169,3041,988respondableSimple enhancement for duck typing.
169,3041,988html_texSimple conversion tool from HTML to TeX. Ignores all styling.
169,3041,988legion-extensionsUsed by a LEX to integrate with Legion
169,3041,988phone_bedroomDeveloped specifically for Termux on android phones as a personal assistant.
169,3041,988zhunaThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
169,3041,988shape2workSimple gem to read shape files and convert to another format
169,3041,988ruby-technical-analysisRuby technical analysis toolkit for stocks, commodities, and other time series.
169,3041,988dit_dahAnother Morse code implementation
169,3041,988jekyll_ranked_searchA webcomponent based search box that provides search functionality for your Jekyll blog...
169,3041,988private_fieldI'm honestly not sure what the difference between a summary and description is but this...
169,3041,988obstinatelyA small command-line utility to retry shell invocations with exponential backoff.
169,3041,988voteable_srdjan_julyThebest voting gem ever.
169,3041,988jayamouliThis gem is created for fun
169,3041,988indifferent-hashHashes that whose values can be accessed by a string key or a symbol one indifferently