Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
171801-171820 of all 180,661 gems.
171,7991,777scout-essentialsThings a scout can use anywhere
171,7991,777cipherworld_amitjuly2020Provides methods to encrypt and decrypt text files through the command line.
171,7991,777dupTransform HTML into PDF/PNG/JPEG using Google Chrome
171,7991,777roda-oauthImplementation of the OAuth 2.0 protocol on top of rodauth.
171,7991,777tipcalc'A gem for generating tip values based on a number of inputs.'
171,7991,777cocoapods-static-storeStore Pods to upload to S3 or download from S3
171,7991,777acts_as_ranked_listOrders ActiveRecord items by floating ranks for spaces in-between items. Influenced by ...
171,7991,777logsnagRuby Library for sending LogSnag events
171,7991,777item_models_2gem for active record item models
171,7991,777security_reportsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,8111,776puma_log_statsPuma plugin to log server stats whenever the number of concurrent requests exceeds a co...
171,8111,776phlex-markdownA Markdown view for Phlex
171,8111,776edge_api_namebuddyThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,8111,776erryAll errors have an outcome and an origin. Eleminate the origin!
171,8111,776env-switchA simple environment switcher
171,8111,776keyslime-clientKeyslime Client
171,8171,775sinatrappSinatra app generator
171,8171,775validators_app_rubyRuby wrapper for API endpoints
171,8171,775peatio-dogechainDogecoin Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::Abs...
171,8171,775debundleRemoves the restrictions on loading gems imposed by Bundler only when you're running in...