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Most downloads over all time
174361-174380 of all 180,671 gems.
174,3591,353next_gen_imagesAdds support for a picture_tag and several utilities to automatically convert images to...
174,3621,352html2asciimathConverts simple math formulae written in pure HTML to AsciiMath
174,3621,352jekyll-archive_linkAdds a link to's wayback machine's latest capture
174,3621,352minitest-substituteSimple Minitest helper to replace values such as an instance variable of an object or a...
174,3621,352abidumpabidump gem - command-line tool to dump / pretty print or (re)format application binary...
174,3661,351ad-github-pagesBootstrap the GitHub Pages Jekyll environment locally.
174,3661,351ruhtRuht lets you generate HTML using Ruby syntax
174,3661,351omniauth-eve_onlineomniauth-eve_online is an EVE Online OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 2.x.
174,3691,350fastlane-plugin-generic_versionManage your app version for Android and iOS
174,3691,350mediator-rbDecouple the in-process sending of messages from handling messages
174,3691,350clepsydraClepsydra is an instrumentation tool allowing instrumenting events. You can subscribe t...
174,3691,350google-translate-ttsSimple Google Translate text to speech
174,3691,350url_builderAn implementation of the builder design pattern in Ruby to create URLs
174,3691,350xstaticA smart, static site generator that automatically manages dependencies to achieve blazi...
174,3751,349google-apis-apphub_v1alphaThis is the simple REST client for App Hub API V1alpha. Simple REST clients are Ruby cl...
174,3761,348rspec_sql_matcherAn RSpec matcher to check SQL queries
174,3761,348spree_static_pagesSpree extension for generating menus with custom static pages
174,3761,348ats-sdkATS tracks activities using the Event Grammar.
174,3791,347twenty-backendtwenty: backend
174,3801,346onloadA preprocessor system for Ruby.