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174381-174400 of all 180,661 gems.
174,3801,340my_tadoTado sell smart home heating devices. See
174,3801,340cocoapods-compact-specA CocoaPods plugin to reduce effort executing local plugin code in a project
174,3841,339fintualA simple api client for
174,3841,339distorted-floorRuby implementation of core file-format operations used by DistorteD-Jekyll.
174,3861,338ceaseCease is a tool that detects blocks of code to be removed at a specified time.
174,3871,337rails-inspectorWrite a longer description or delete this line.
174,3871,337vimpkVimPK is a tool for managing Vim plugins via packages.
174,3871,337delayed_job_bulkBulk insert many jobs at once for delayed_job
174,3871,337dataurisdatauris gem - DataUri helpers to parse (decode) and build (encode) data uris incl. (s...
174,3871,337eac_rails_remotesPut here de description.
174,3921,336conort_palindromeEducational Ruby palindrome detector
174,3921,336tax_calculator_2022This gem will help you to calculate the tax on you salary according to Budget 2022-2023
174,3921,336unicode_converterLigature the muddy and semi-muddy marks
174,3921,336ecaseExhaustive case statments that ensure all possible cases are covered.
174,3921,336buildkiterbA Ruby library for the Buildkite API
174,3921,336fluent-plugin-record_indexingA fluentd filter plugin that will be used to Iterate over the object with its index and...
174,3921,336onloadA preprocessor system for Ruby.
174,3991,335gpt-cliBring ChatGPT into your CLI as a specialized personal assistant.
174,3991,335jekyll-theme-html5up-editorial"Editorial" theme from ported to jekyll theme format