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176321-176340 of all 183,202 gems.
176,3131,255vekselSeperate databases for every branch in your development environment
176,3221,254uk_academic_calendarDesigned to assist in Ruby programs dealing with the UK Academic Calendar
176,3221,254minato-rails-authLibrary to create an authentication layer in Rails applications
176,3221,254rails-assets-summernoteThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
176,3221,254homa_gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
176,3221,254dorian-json-uniqjson uniq by json path
176,3221,254status_assignableAllows models to be assigned a status.
176,3221,254rails-assets-dropzoneDropzone is an easy to use drag'n'drop library. It supports image previews and shows ni...
176,3291,253dorian-csv-mapmaps a csv file to another csv file
176,3291,253dde_clientDDE stands for Demographics Data Exchange. Its main purpose is to manage patient IDs.
176,3291,253rinruby-edgeRinRuby is a Ruby library that integrates the R interpreter in Ruby, making R's statist...
176,3321,252testscript_engineAn engine for loading and executing FHIR TestScript resources
176,3321,252hello_world_israfilgHello to people on earth
176,3341,251seniorAn AI-powered pair programmer. Provides a user-friendly interface for using AI API's to...
176,3341,251conekta-tiempometaRuby library for
176,3341,251ecs-railsConnect to your AWS ECS tasks
176,3371,250azure-storage-blob2Microsoft Azure Storage Blob Client Library for Ruby
176,3371,250crabyCraby is just a quick test suite setup for Rails application
176,3371,250url_generatorDeveloped to create URL string using Builder pattern for simplicity and reduced errors
176,3371,250qwackQwack is an extensible, lightweight DLS to dynamically verify and mock scalar types...