Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
176341-176360 of all 183,202 gems.
176,3371,250web5Create, manage and parse Decentralized Identifiers, Verifiable Credentials, and more.
176,3421,249vkteambotThis gem is a simple and minimalistic library for creating VK Teams bots.
176,3421,249flowbiteThis gem adds the Flowbite assets to your asset pipeline so you can import them in your...
176,3441,248tarric_dwolla_v2Dwolla V2 Ruby client
176,3441,248dorian-chatchat with ai
176,3441,248typelizerA TypeScript type generator for Ruby serializers.
176,3441,248honeysearchsearch karaoke
176,3441,248jt-racThis package illustrates dependency confusion case by raising a critical security error...
176,3491,247lokiloggerLog asynchronously to Grafana Loki
176,3491,247dorian-renamerenames files and directories
176,3491,247pronto-github_annotations_formatterGithub actions annotations formatter for Pronto
176,3491,247planter-cliPlant a file and directory structure
176,3491,247cncStop milling about and build rails apps faster with CNC.
176,3551,246dbx-apiRuby wrapper for the Databricks API. Includes access to the Databricks Jobs API and the...
176,3551,246zubatVisualize trends of your code complexity and smells
176,3551,246lions-jekyll-themeA custom theme built specfically for my website, now with support fo...
176,3581,245rabbit-slide-Piro-presentation-redmine-japan-vol3-oss-gate[Redmine Japan - Redmine Japan Vol.3](での発表資料です。
176,3581,245cloud-logging-utilProvides a simple logging utility for Cloud Logging.
176,3581,245badword_trackerIt helps to track badwords and change the vowel to Asterisk *