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176361-176380 of all 183,202 gems.
176,3581,245rottweilerRottweiler is a Ruby gem that provides functionality for verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWT...
176,3581,245dorian-sort-csvsorts csv by keys
176,3581,245dorian-yaml-uniquniq yaml file from yaml path
176,3581,245justcall_rubyA simple Ruby wrapper for the JustCall REST API
176,3581,245sutazekarateWeb scraper for what read all competition data and allows to explor...
176,3661,244fastlane-plugin-galaxy_store_developerSamsung Galaxy Store integration
176,3661,244jmeter_perfRun performance tests, generate reports and more using JMeter
176,3661,244cohereOfficial SDK for Cohere AI
176,3661,244google-shopping-merchant-inventoriesProgrammatically manage your Merchant Center accounts.
176,3661,244uploadfuseRuby library for interacting with the UploadFuse API
176,3711,243hiambonA first create gem
176,3711,243insert_selectThis is a custom gem that extends ActiveRecord to enable the expression of SQL `INSERT ...
176,3731,242label_weaverHelper tool to manage whitelabel version of base projects
176,3731,242propelauthA ruby gem for managing authentication, backed by PropelAuth
176,3751,241safariThe Rails CMS!
176,3751,241dorian-json-comparecompare multiple json files
176,3781,240ruby-taxii2implement api-alike for python libtaxii
176,3781,240dorian-yaml-deep-eachevaluates ruby code on deep each of yaml
176,3781,240scriptupThis project provides ruby bindings around the SketchUp C API. They are designed to mim...