Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
176741-176760 of all 183,202 gems.
176,7391,144byebug_noopImplements same API as byebug gem but performs no-op.
176,7391,144beze-genaSpicy beze generator
176,7431,143number_to_colorColor code a numerical value based on a range.
176,7431,143code_snippet_managerA Ruby gem to help developers store, organize, categorize, and quickly retrieve code sn...
176,7431,143plasmo_xcodeprojXcodeproj lets you create and modify Xcode projects from Ruby. Script boring management...
176,7431,143ruby_script_exporterExport metrics to prometheus from ruby snippets.
176,7471,142redis-objects-legacyMap Redis types directly to Ruby objects. Works with any class or ORM.
176,7471,142nftportNftport api wrapper for ruby
176,7471,142rob_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
176,7471,142bofBundleOutdatedFormatter is a command-line tool to format output of `bundle outdated`
176,7471,142chrediscaching and manage Kredis result
176,7471,142loggerxUtility class for Logging.
176,7471,142bitcoin_unit_converterBitcoin unit converter in Ruby
176,7551,141log-export-containerThe application acts as a syslog concentrator. Customers that want to export their stro...
176,7551,141activesupport-tagged_loggingRails v8 ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging, fixed & backported to Rails v5.2+ & Ruby 2.7+
176,7571,140rabbit-slide-hasumikin-Euruko2023Presentation slide for Euruko 2023
176,7571,140signalmanDevelopment tools for Ruby on Rails
176,7571,140ronin-nmapronin-nmap is a Ruby library and CLI for working with nmap. ronin-nmap can parse nmap X...
176,7571,140erratic_password_generatorAllows users to generate a random password with additional arguments which they can pas...