Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
176801-176820 of all 182,595 gems.
176,7991,032hola_shosurA simple hello world gem
176,7991,032fun_translationsThis is a Ruby client that enables you to easily perform translations using FunTranslat...
176,7991,032minimal-jekyllMinimal aims for a minimalistic design that is aesthetically pleasing and sophisticated.
176,8041,031awesome_errorsAwesomeErrors is a simply way to add errors to your Ruby objects and classes.
176,8041,031aga-telegramTelegram Ruby is a lightweight gem for use Telegram API.
176,8041,031holodexWrapper for the Holodex API.
176,8071,030scws4rWith SCWS to split Chinese sentences
176,8071,030pg_search_multiple_highlightThe 'pg_search_multiple_highlight' gem extends the functionality of the popular 'pg_...
176,8091,029modern_treasury[WIP] This gem is for a Modern Treasury API Client
176,8091,029santi_super_gemThis is my first gem
176,8091,029elasticgraph-supportElasticGraph gem providing support utilities to the other ElasticGraph gems.
176,8121,028railedWrite a longer description or delete this line.
176,8121,028fluent-plugin-prometheus-pullFluentd plugin that provides an input to pull prometheus met...
176,8121,028ryotak-testJust a test gem
176,8121,028blocklistshowDisplay of data from blocklistd on FreeBSD with country codes and reverse DNS.
176,8121,028verdrails-erd + echarts + iview
176,8121,028ferrum-harRubygem to convert ferrum traffic to HAR files
176,8121,028workflowerUsing a finite state machine algorith, this gem allows to handle state of an entity wit...
176,8121,028documentedDocumentation that's completely automated.
176,8121,028hola-fbdtestA simple hello world gem