Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180381-180400 of all 180,469 gems.
180,375145capistrano-solid_queueAdds support for SolidQueue to Capistrano 3.x
180,382144policierThe policier
180,382144satusehat_clientSATUSEHAT adalah ekosistem pertukaran data kesehatan (HIE: Health Information Exchange)...
180,382144fastlane-plugin-sync_devicesSynchronize your devices with Apple Developer Portal.
180,382144titlecaserUses standard title casing rules to titleize strings
180,382144qippetCreate beautify code snippet image.
180,382144protobug_sigstore_protosCompiled protos for protobug from (sigstore_...
180,382144nectoReserved package
180,390143regorusrbplaceholder reserving namespace
180,390143sctechnicalchallengeSearch client data with different parameters
180,390143anusanus gem.
180,390143jammJamm help you make payment without credit cards
180,390143testgemmA simple hello world gem
180,390143raix-railsRuby AI eXtensions for Rails
180,390143gem-jrubyJust visit the HOMEPAGE to the gem source.
180,398142raixRuby AI eXtensions
180,398142google-apis-discoveryengine_v1This is the simple REST client for Discovery Engine API V1. Simple REST clients are Rub...
180,398142release_stageA small gem for checking whether you're on staging, production etc.