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180301-180320 of all 183,155 gems.
180,301522jekyll-new-cssA Jekyll theme that uses new.css
180,301522temp_converter_gemconvert temperatures simply and quickly!
180,301522decidim-ubA Decidim module to sync UB users who connect to the platform.
180,301522shopify_liquid_test_helperThis gem provides helper methods and custom tags for testing Shopify Liquid templates
180,301522studio_game23This is just a simple gem, created during a Ruby online course for learning purposes.
180,301522treecraftA library for composing Ruby classes using Ruby
180,301522tester-stripped-sdk-sdkUse the Tester Stripped API to manage business including payment. customer, product and...
180,301522chat_cliChat-GPT Command Line Tools
180,301522rack-webfingerServe Webfinger responses easily from Rack
180,301522xorNaive implementation of Xor-filter for algorithm testing purposes..
180,311521rater_pdfsWrite a longer description or delete this line.
180,311521coffeebrew_jekyll_archivesA Jekyll plugin to generate blog post archives
180,311521makes_senseWrite, validate, and use decision tables for logic
180,311521deepaliMy awesome gem
180,311521simplepubsub_drbInspired by SimplePubSub and uses DRb instead of WebSocket.
180,311521ezcaptureThin layer over Open3.capture
180,311521spsdrbsubSubscribes to a topic from the simplepubsub_drb broker.
180,311521fastlane-plugin-jira_update_ticketsUpdate status and fix version of provided jira tickets
180,311521generate_rails_newThis gem provides a CLI tool that helps create a new Rails application with interactive...