Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180361-180380 of all 183,155 gems.
180,358516josh_g_studio_gamepragmatic studio ruby course
180,358516connpass_eventevent search in connpass
180,358516unipropA Library for the Management and Analysis of Unicode Properties
180,358516memohSave your SSH connection details with memoh and connect to any saved host by name
180,365515pg_pool_safe_queryLog queries that are incompatible with a Postgres pooler in transaction mode.
180,365515motor-alexandermohan-admin-panelCustomised admin panel for alexanderMOHAN projects.
180,365515dynamicschemaThe DynamicSchema gem provides a elegant and expressive way to define a domain-specific...
180,365515sultangg505_gem_dealsThis gem contains models and controllers for deals app. You need to make your own reali...
180,365515cocoapods-packageallA short description of cocoapods-packageall.
180,365515dummy_oscarThe tool for creating a dummy HTTP server and client.
180,365515xita_meanEssa gems soma os numeros de um array e divide pelo tamanho do array
180,365515volvivolvi gem
180,365515pay_with_extendExtend is a Ruby gem that provides a simple interface to the Extend API. It allows you ...
180,374514arantes_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
180,374514cache_failoverThis gem enables automatic failover to a secondary caching method when the primary fails.
180,374514primitiveToolboxIncluding Higher order array functionality, typechecking etc..
180,374514ruby_jarvisThis gem will provide you openai Api access right in your console to use chatgpt like f...
180,374514kaminari-jets-corekaminari-core includes pagination logic independent from ORMs and view libraries
180,374514imc_zicaCalculates the IMC by passing the weight and height of a person
180,374514greek_to_english_slugifyMake slugs from greek to english