Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
130261-130280 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380ghaki-boolCollection of boolean helper methods.
89,5380mongoid-simple-rolesbasic and simple roles system for mongoid v3
89,5380opal_ormOpalORM is a lightweight object-relational mapper for Ruby. With it you can define a ...
89,5380ominousProvides a rails app with a way of displaying and controlling warnings to users
89,5380node_heartbeatHeartbeat server IPs to S3
89,5380popcircleAdds the popcircle jquery plugin into the rails asset pipeline.
89,5380scorekeeperThis gem uses demographic data to generate a score
89,5380studio_game_vinhtranGame created in Pragmatic Studio Class
89,5380evilmarty_activity_streamA Gem for the plugin: https://github.com/evilmarty/activity_stream
89,5380em-work_queueMakes working with EventMachine's queue more convenient. It adds start/stop/status met...
89,5380letter_saverDelivers emails to the LetterSaver service.
89,5380punter(cross)db client you always wanted
89,5380domoDomo is the super-duper simple client for Jenkins
89,5380qrscannerRuby gem QR code scanner based on ZXing
89,5380super_mapperSuperMapper is a quick and simple mapper between Ruby object. Define a mapping between ...
89,5380devise_autosigninableIt adds support to be logged in by uniq link.
89,5380mail-embed-html-imagesExtends Mail to provide a mechanism for converting external image sources to embedded a...
89,5380mmana2necUtility to convert various antenna model formats.
89,5380joyceshopThis is a gem scraping joyceshop's website and returns the popular/latest items
89,5380erisEris is a gem to help test driving webOS Enyo application development