Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
130381-130400 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380jw_player_railsDeals with adding jw player to asset pipeline and providing helper to embed videos/play...
89,5380lita-rubygems-webhooksA Lita plugin to register and receive RubyGems webhooks
89,5380json_pathsGets all json paths from a json document.
89,5380my_string_extend_koThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
89,5380ProductsShopifyMuch longer explanation of the example!
89,5380mattMatt help monitoring data points for better business decision.
89,5380git_itSimpler than the git gem and cross-platform.
89,5380powercontroller9202A Ruby GEDCOM to communicate with an Aviosys Inc. 9202 IP Power Controller (and associa...
89,5380product_railsA simple product representation for Rails applications.
89,5380lita-pokemonThis is a way to search for different pokemon quickly and easily.
89,5380lita-spoil_frenchIt spoils a movie with etenfaitalafin.fr
89,5380killbill-catalog-ruby-pluginKill Bill Plugin to illustrate the use of the Catalog Plugin api.
89,5380temporary_environmentSet a temporary environment variable for a duration of a block
89,5380spacelift-policyRuby microframework for defining rich policy-as-code for Terraform
89,5380license-generatorGenerate an open source license file in your project.
89,5380rename-railsRename your Rails application using a single command.
89,5380sajadA CLI tool to automate things for... ME!.
89,5380quirc-rbQRcode decoder based on quirc
89,5380rb-skypemacRuby interface to Skype on Mac OS X
89,5380rocketleagueRocket League API