Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
130441-130460 of all 180,571 gems.
98,3333GoogleWebfontsGoogle Webfonts helper for Rails or Sinatra applications.
98,3333is_gdA lightweight ruby wrapper around the is.gd service. It will minify and expand urls.
98,3333fuzzy-promptTokenizes, fuzzes and scores strings - good for autocomplete
98,3333thin_httpLightweight and user-friendly HTTP client library
98,3333molluskChainable filters for arrays, ActiveRecord-style
98,3333j-walkerA way to run JavaScript based on Rails controller actions. This gives you the freedom t...
98,3333poetizePoetize analyses your poem and gives you several statistics about it such as: verse rhy...
98,3333minxAn implementation of the CSP concurrency primitives
98,3333immigrateAdds methods to ActiveRecord::Migration to create and manage foreign-data wrappers in P...
98,3333simplecov-vimformatterGenerates simplecov code coverage files for VIM
98,3333razorrisk-cassini-utilities-cassisCassini Web Service framework for Razor Risk Razor system
98,3333queue_fetcherEncapsulates design decisions about how to namespace SQS queues with environment-specif...
98,3333codeclimate-api-ruby-clientCodeClimate API client.
98,3333holaEmilioChiuA simple hello world gem
98,3333pomf.rbSimple Ruby library for uploading files to pomf.
98,3333simplepayNGIntegrate payments into your rails app easily without much effort
98,3333strongmanA data loading utility to batch loading of promises. It can be used with graphql gem.
98,3333mini_record-cjWith it you can add the ability to create columns outside the default schema, directly ...