Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
130501-130520 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910muvandyClient for Muvandy API
121,9910protobug-compilerAn protobuf compiler for protobug
121,9910potamusA utility tool for building Docker images
121,9910jla_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
121,9910ffwd-google-cloudGoogle Cloud Monitoring support for FFWD.
121,9910ola-mundo-novoNova forma de dizer Hello World
121,9910itamae-plugin-recipe-phantomjsItamae Recipe 'phantomjs'
121,9910hatchyOpen-source crowdfunding platform
121,9910hatchet-airbrakeHatchet appender for posting errors to airbrake
121,9910lita-doubler-test-sellykartikaDoubles numbers - simple demo skill
121,9910octopush-rubyA ruby library for use Octopush API
121,9910git_taggerexpedites the git tagging procedure and updating a changelog for Rails projects and Gems
121,9910redis_cluster_cache_benchmarkredis benchmark as a cache
121,9910ircnotifySend a message to your IRC server/channel straight from the terminal
121,9910headless-railsSeamlessly integrate headlessapp.com into your Rails application
121,9910health-inspectorA Ruby library which which provides a health checking and monitoring of various service...
121,9910rack-contrib-with-working-jsonpContributed Rack Middleware and Utilities with working JSON-P (edge rack-contrib as of ...
121,9910leifcr-activeuuidAdd binary (not string) UUIDs to ActiveRecord in MySQL
121,9910loraxThe Lorax is a full diff and patch library for XML/HTML documents, based on Nokogiri. ...
121,9910heartbeat-clientHeartbeat Client in Ruby