Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
130521-130540 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910netshade-twittera command line interface for twitter, also a library which wraps the twitter api
121,9910qpQp is a simple tool for inline debugging
121,9910fiveruns-dash-rubyProvides an API to send metrics to the FiveRuns Dash service
121,9910ledermann-tmailTMail is a Ruby-based mail handler. It allows you to compose stadards compliant emails ...
121,9910rake-sprocketsBuild your assets with rake build.
121,9910metro-ld25Metro is a 2D Gaming framework built around gosu (game development library). Metro ...
121,9910panoramioSimple Panoramio API client written in Ruby
121,9910git-rootA super simple gem to get the root directory for any given git repository
121,9910oryxC-Flat to x86 compiler
121,9910hola_netznarkoseA simple hello world gem
121,9910gsmetricsSimple Way to open a Session with Google Docs and push data into a Google Spreadsheet W...
121,9910indentA small library for all things indentation.
121,9910rabbit-slide-znz-rubykansai78-gitlab-dokkuGitLab と Dokku を組み合わせて CI/CD 環境を作成する例を紹介します。
121,9910mini-mini-profilerSimple Profiler for learning about Rails Development
121,9910heat-indexHeat index calculator in fahrenheit, celsius and kelvin
121,9910pg_cinnamonAdd tsquery to activerecord column
121,9910leetcode_rbLeetCode Solutions in Ruby
121,9910PickaxePickaxe provides a simple way to load, solve and rate tests (bundle of questions) writt...
121,9910libcborCBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) implementation based on the libcbor C libra...
121,9910lodestone-assert-agileAssertion Sugar. Better block assertions - Forked from assert2.rubyforge.org