Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
131941-131960 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051nyt_fictionProvides information on the current bestsellers
103,2051ruboty-lgtminFetch image randomly from LGTM.in
103,2051qiny_sunspot_solrSunspot::Solr provides a bundled Solr distribution for use with Sunspot. Typical de...
103,2051jekyll-tscprovides automatic compilation of typescript files to javascript files for your jekyl...
103,2051hola-akashshindeA simple hello world gem
103,2051geometry-bgwGem for geometry
103,2051redis-retryAdds a Redis::Retry class which can be used to proxy calls to Redis while automatically...
103,2051jbuilder-active_decoratorPrevent ActiveDecorator from decorating Jbuilder objects. If not, it generates unexpect...
103,2051gollum-siteGenerate a static site for Gollum Wikis
103,2051jduds_view_toolProvides dynamic HTML data for Rails applications
103,2051frigatestill thinking about it
103,2051jewelProvides an easy way to access information about a gem at runtime
103,2051encrypted_settingsSimilar to Rails encrypted secrets but with multiple environments.
103,2051rack-favicon_allGenerate favicons for IE, FF, Chrome, Safari!
103,2051devcamp_view_tools_exampleProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
103,2051kitchen-yansible= Yet Another Ansible Test Kitchen Provisioner --- == Features * Local and remote execu...
103,2051furikA summary generator of GitHub activity for retrospective.
103,2051odedispackageGeneral API
103,2051qmail_logAnalyze qmail log for save to hash, and parse it to DDL statements
103,2051resque-pool-lifeguardAdds live GUI queue/worker management to resque-pool