Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132021-132040 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800social_posterSocialPoster is a gem that allows you easily post to different social networks.
102,5800aa-rails4The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.
102,5800transactdTransactd client for ruby gem
102,5800reset-cssReset-CSS provides a robust reset stylesheet for clean theming.
102,5800sfgetBypass Sourceforge.net's website to get the package you need
102,5800omniauth-positionlyOmniauth plugin for Positionly API
102,5800plainflowThe Plainflow ruby library
102,5800swarm_orcaOrcastraction tool for rails application on swarm with capistrano
102,5800synaccess_connectRuby interface to connecting to Synaccess netBooter power relays
102,5800administrate-field-codeA text field that shows a code block.
102,5800ardaArda project description tbd
102,5800action_tracker_clientActionTracking service integration gem
102,5800sanitize_mswordClean MS Word html
102,5800radiant-ecom_engine-extensionIntegrate ecom engine with radiant
102,5800sweatshopSee summary
102,5800npmfedTool for checking and generating rpm packages from npm modules based on npm2rpm by http...
102,5800view-cellClean, simple explicit and strait-forward web view cell for use in Rails/Sinatra/Lux.
102,5800serve-thisServe files from the current directory