Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
131961-131980 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051openhood-sinatra_rake_tasksDefault tasks we're using in our apps
103,2051nezumiGem to interact with the Nezumi Push Heroku add-on
103,2051has_translatable_attributesProvides convenience methods for setting/getting I18n specific fields.
103,2051hato-plugin-hipchatHato plugin to send messages via HipChat
103,2051simplecov-jscoverageLayer for integrating JSCoverage results with SimpleCov
103,2051mailloggerA delivery method that wrapps another delivery method and logs all successfull deliveri...
103,2051gitverDoes versioning, releasing and testing of rubygems with git
103,2051hola-peterfeiA simple hello world gem by peterfei
103,2051validate_spanish_vatValida NIF, CIF y NIE espaƱoles
103,2051rspec-imageProvides some matchers for testing your image file.
103,2051hola_jacvA simple hello world gem
103,2051roger_themesCreate themes and release them as static site
103,2051ipcheckCheck IP geolocation with https://ip-api.com
103,2051jonnii-cheddargetterRuby wrapper for the CheddarGetter API
103,2051inflection-js-railsThis gem provides inflection-js assets for your Rails 3 application.
103,2051rubocop_default_configA simple gem to generate default config for RuboCop(for Evokat project)
103,2051poise-archiveA Chef cookbook for unpacking file archives like tar and zip.
103,2051pukiwiki2mdPukiwiki2md is a PEG implementation of PukiWiki parser and transforms PukiWiki notation...
103,2051qt1070QT1070 capacitive touch sensor library for Ruby
103,2051minima-extendedJekyll Minima Theme : Extended