Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134761-134780 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051logstash-filter-forwardedThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
103,2051refile-fogFog backend for Refile
103,2051instagram-crawlerCrawl instagram photos, posts and videos for download.
103,2051hola_jecholA simple hello world gem
103,2051rakepressPublish to WordPress using Rake. Write your posts in org-mode
103,2051reeRee makes your ruby life happier
103,2051perlPerl is awesome
103,2051rughetto-merb_paperclipA Merb plugin that is essentially a port of Jon Yurek's paperclip
103,2051refsheetRuby wrapper for the Refsheet.net API
103,2051redmine_api_helperredmine_api_helper contains methods to ease handling Redmine API calls
103,2051pipely-generatorsHelpers for generating new Pipely projects
103,2051mic_monitor_gemcall Rspec or features to check and send notification
103,2051jake69mac-stopwordslist of stopwords handy to remove words
103,2051layoLayo is a LOLCODE interpreter written in plain Ruby. It tries to conform to the LOL...
103,2051rack-rest_api_versioningThis midleware allows an application to support multiple versions of a RESTful API foll...
103,2051porteoSend all messages that you want in any protocol, its ready to send mail messages, twitt...
103,2051merb_inspectorMerb plugin that provides powerful 'inspect' helper method
103,2051semi-autotestFire off tests without being slowed down by test prep time.
103,2051rgithookRuby gem specify for git hooks.
103,2051rmmseg_seoaquaFIX (describe your package)