Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134841-134860 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800rencdecCreated to fill a need in supplying two arrays (a,b) of varying size and representing a...
102,5800suitecrm-rubyImplements basic functionality needed to create and find records in SuiteCRM.
102,5800urestREST Server for Universal Robots. See https://github.com/etm/urest
102,5800rocksteadyRun arbitrary scenarios across disparate sets of git repo revisions
102,5800paknifeRun knife-solo in parallel
102,5800Quintero_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
102,5800sorcery-hhSorcery provider for HeadHunter
102,5800skynet-android-generatorA Skynet gera androids únicos e com uma missão.
102,5800redmine_api_helperredmine_api_helper contains methods to ease handling Redmine API calls
102,5800tufte-crossref-jekyllA Jekyll theme based on jez/tufte-pandoc-jekyll with support for Pandoc-Crossref
102,5800ohembedrOhEmbedr is a super simple ruby OEmbed library.
102,5800acme-heisenbergWhen you're ready to live in more of an uncertain world. Just require this module, and...
102,5800ribbit_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
102,5800rl_hiya_shakya_pradeepThe library opens up my description
102,5800sinatra-google-authDrop-in google auth for sinatra apps
102,5800ruboty-etoGet Eto (Japanese Zodiac) name or emoji.
102,5800rubyglThis library provides you with all of the essentials for doing graphics programming ...
102,5800vigilem-domDOM Structures for Vigilem
102,5800viewport_units_buggyfillMaking viewport units (vh|vw|vmin|vmax) work properly in Mobile Safari.