Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134781-134800 of all 180,629 gems.
101,3881Thermostat_Joppe_DeclercqHeating on when actualwanted
101,3881magaya_apiA Ruby interface for the Magaya API
101,3881rsamlRSAML is a SAML implementation in Ruby. RSAML currently implements the elements defined...
101,3881mod_restejabberdctl command for ruby developer
101,3881foodie_sachFoodie gem all about foodie people
101,3881bootstrap_paginationBootstrap button pagination for ruby on rails, to be used with will_paginate
101,3881living_deadLivingDead traces objects to see if they are retained or freed by MRI
101,3881tpitale-simplest_authSimple implementation of authentication for Rails
101,3881odania_plutusThe plutus plugin provides a complete double entry accounting system for use in any Rub...
101,3881ucoolucool command for taobao.com
101,3881faraday_middleware-parse_json_objectFaraday middleware for parsing JSON as openstruct Object.
101,3881subwayrbTesting gemcutter
101,3881mina-secrets-transferHelps handling secrets files in Mina
101,3881azure_mgmt_serialconsoleOfficial Ruby client library to consume Serialconsole
101,3881yandex-metricsGem for interaction with Yandex Metrics API
101,3881kaminari-nobrainerNoBrainer adapter for Kaminari
101,3881switchtower-extSwitchTower Extensions is a set of useful task libraries and methods that other dev...
101,3881jrails_uiHelper Methods for use with websites implementing the jQuery-UI toolkit
101,3881interceptorsPedestal like interceptors service objects in Ruby, aka pipe and filter architecture