Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
137601-137620 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731fitnesse-rubyThe fitnesse server packaged as a convenient gem.
110,9731siuying-pdbookConvert PDB (Palm Database) Ebook to PDF format. Specially handle document from haodoo....
110,9731arduino-libraryThis library provides a convenient ruby API for representation of an Arduino Library sp...
110,9731railsclusterGem to ease deploying to RailsCluster
110,9731datamapper-dm-coreFaster, Better, Simpler.
110,9731atl_configGiven an Atlassian JIRA or Confluence install, figures out the database details from co...
110,9731jekyll-smugmugjekyll-smugmug is a plugin which creates custom Liquid tags so that you can easily gene...
110,9731carpenterTiny gem for specifying test data for arbitrary objects in Ruby.
110,9731literate_rubyLiterate Ruby is a small preprocessor that allows embedding code within text files and ...
110,9731backtyperA Ruby wrapper for the BackType API
110,9731blockbuilderMake callbacks easily and build blocks with ease! BlockBuilder is intended to be used w...
110,9731rails_environment_seedsUse the split seeds per environments
110,9731dalDal Client Library
110,9731carbonadoActivate installed gems at runtime. This means that gems can optionally use other insta...
110,9731rusty_google_placesThis gem provides a Ruby wrapper around the Google Places API for use in your own proje...
110,9731roll_d20Adds rolling dice
110,9731satisfySatisfy is a micro-framework supports the creation and execution of test specificat...
110,9731dod_mapsA one-click installer for Day of Defeat maps.
110,9731aws_minecraftProvisions an EC2. Uploads a world, and deploys it.