Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
137661-137680 of all 180,534 gems.
102,5051rzerorzero reports any files in a rails project that are not covered by any tests (0% covera...
102,5051dm-is-page-by-pageA simple pagination plugin for DataMapper
102,5051dosivoxcrmodA CodeRunner module for running the luminescence dose modelling software DosiVox
102,5051r_markRender markdown in Rails views or partials.
102,5051tabledataRead and write tabular data from and to various formats.
102,5051new-ageHandling the input and output of people's ages in years and months
102,5051tpb_apiThe ThePirateBay api for ruby apps
102,5051coinmonCoin monitoring made easy.
102,5051ninjudd-geni-memcache-clientA Ruby-based memcached client library (with extensions)
102,5051embedded_documentConvenient way of dealing with JSON documents in web apps
102,5051rspec-parserParse RSpec specs to test case tree struct data.
102,5051rjs-ifAdd if/unless blocks to RJS
102,5051my_string_extend_bertoThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
102,5051mysql_usersManage mysql users with minimal dependencies
102,5051remistifyCalculates expiration based on remiss.
102,5051justFor when you want your aliases but you're using someone else's computer.
102,5051reactiveReactive is a desktop application framework that gives everything needed to create data...
102,5051capistrano-unisonCapistrano::Unison adds support to capistrano for deploying with unison. This lets you ...
102,5051wkhtmltoxBinary wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage
102,5051nirvdrum-mongomapperAwesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongo