Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
137681-137700 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700sc2cinchDisplay your current ladder rank, report the outcome of games, and more
38,9700whitestoneUnit testing library with colourful, helpful error messages, small testing code foo...
38,9700twiboblTwitter Bot Building Blocks
38,9700mongoid_money_fieldUse RubyMoney with mongoid
38,9700activerecord_column_commentthis will add an option to add column comment in sql statement on migration
38,9700dbusRuby bindings for D-BUS. This module allows Ruby programs to interface with the D-BUS ...
38,9700foobarfooExample description
38,9700rightmoveThis library is used to parse a Rightmove format zip file
38,9700psm_dead_simple_deployment_toolsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
38,9700quantifyA gem to support physical quantities and unit conversions
38,9700gpx2atlasTiny utility to create qgis atlas coverage layers from tracks
38,9700shingara-merb_mongomapperMerb ORM plugin that provides support for MongoMapper Models
38,9700html_scraperParses an html document to a json structure following a template
38,9700encoding_with_bomSimply encoding and adding BOM in your text data at start of line
38,9700mtg_apiQuery for cards, sets, and boosters against the mtgapi.com API
38,9700razorrisk-cassini-utilities-cassidRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's Initialisation Daemon
38,9700mdspellCheck markdown files for spelling errors.
38,9700srmsA simple greeting gem
38,9700finalistAdd final syntax which forbids method override
38,9700sidekiq-circuit-breakerCircuit Breaker functionality to Sidekiq