Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138601-138620 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772microsoft-sentinel-logstash-output-pluginThis plugin was renamed to microsoft-sentinel-log-analytics-logstash-output-plugin. mic...
136,3772flanA server-client bridge to Google Analytics using Rails' flash
136,3772facebook-bot-rubyFacebook Bot Ruby API wrapper
136,3772contextual_procA proc extension that is able to execute in another context/binding a little bit inspir...
136,3772iloveyouMust be that I'm in love..
136,3772dramavladimirparser for http://www.dramavladimir.ru
136,3772rakeistCommon rake tasks for a Rails project
136,3772backgroundmoduleRamdom background
136,3772eleven40a cssgrid implementation in compass
136,3772tutelegeA Gem that helps Parent (classes) teach their Children (subclasses) the difference betw...
136,3772sbp_nagios_chefclient_handlerThe Chef client handler for nagios
136,3772act_as_serializableThis tool is useful for managing the array in a text column in any database (mysql, sql...
136,3772pass_attemptPassAttempt run a block depending on a custom proc.
136,3772translations_managerA simple hello world gem
136,3772artificerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
136,3772promisingForking from bhuga/promising-future on github, so Version is started from 0.3.1
136,3772GeoParserMine a given string for city names.
136,3772awesomesauceRack middleware for replacing the word awesome with synonyms.
136,3772embulk-filter-uniqueExtract unique records
136,3772pass-confuseAllow any files to be stored and its access protected with `pass`