Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138661-138680 of all 180,629 gems.
101,3881intelementA gem that provides an intelligent way to get various different element details
101,3881omniauth-personaAn OmniAuth strategy for implementing Persona
101,3881kevinquesGem that manages questions in my 4th year cloud project.
101,3881friendly-cukesFriendly-Cukes is a ready-to-use ruby-cucumber automation framework for both web and mo...
101,3881i18ndiffProvides a diff of yaml files and outputs the diff in the structure of the files given
101,3881payout_systemDifferent schemes for selecting winners and their prizes in a pool betting application
101,3881rails-footnotes-linuxEvery Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links ...
101,3881rails_experiment_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
101,3881pslmplain text psalm format formatter utility and library
101,3881json2jsonConvert JSON from one format to another
101,3881insightmineThis is first gem for insigthMine system
101,3881verbsifyThis is basically Verbs as a command-line app
101,3881sassy-fractionsFractions for Sass
101,3881jekyll-retrospectJust a cool, modern landing page to showcase whatever it is you're about.
101,3881gem-execInstall a gem and execute the command
101,3881riftrift web framework
101,3881lazy.aiRuby client for the lazy chatbot. Creates a client to train lazy chatbot server through...
101,3881xettercapBetterCap is the state of the art, modular, portable and easily extensible MITM framewo...
101,3881rubtexCompile ruby into latex.
101,3881mswalletThis gem allows you to create passes for Windows Phone Wallet. Unlike some, this works ...