Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138681-138700 of all 180,599 gems.
131,2430distributed-triedistributed-trie is a trie library on key-value store.
131,2430bfec_generatorGenerates directories, adds gems for a backbone/coffeescript/jasmine application. Uses...
131,2430axleAxle is a simple web framework for client-side apps.
131,2430docker_compose_yaml_loaderI wanted to give environment variables to Rails on the host PC while using docker-compo...
131,2430anchormodelBringing object-oriented programming to Rails enums
131,2430descendants_fetcherDynamically fetch subclasses and deep descendants!
131,2430vlad-merbMerb support for Vlad. Prior to 2.0.0, Vlad included support to make vlad:start and vla...
131,2430docker-devUseful interface to docker
131,2430claps-busDecoupling bus, isolating business logic from controller
131,2430einfugTransform files and directories in a pastable form
131,2430vibedeck-activemerchantActive Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopif...
131,2430vagrant-smartosSmartOS Hypervisor provider for Vagrant
131,2430app_kitAppKit provides a full framework for rapidly creating data driven application through a...
131,2430danger-kiribanA Danger plugin for kiriban
131,2430big_earRecord method calls of your object and inspect them by using TracePoint
131,2430voteable_desmond_janThe best voting gem ever.
131,2430doc_orchestraThis gem manages generating documents, testing them against real endpoints, publishing ...
131,2430e360-tuiguangThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
131,2430yandex_dictionary_apiYandex dictionary API realization