Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138881-138900 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380snail-map-reduceSnail is a single-threaded, in-memory, barebones MapReduce framework written in Ruby to...
89,5380mix-rails-writerMix Writer is a group of models, views, controllers for rails applications that added N...
89,5380sappho-basicsSee the project home page for more information
89,5380lecliCLI to generate Let's Encrypt certificates
89,5380lita-envLita plugin to store the status of your environments
89,5380mongoid_localized_fields_fallback_patchA patch for mongoid localized fields, making it fallback through locale values that are...
89,5380polipus-cassandraAdd support for Cassandra in Polipus crawler
89,5380git-multiRun the same git command in a set of related repos
89,5380mongoid-publishableA mixin for Mongoid document models allowing for publishing them after authentication
89,5380faker-fakemeFaker, a port of Data::Faker from Perl, is used to easily generate fake data: names, ad...
89,5380rom-rodaIntegrate Ruby Object Mapper with Roda
89,5380openbooking_client_rubyEasy to use
89,5380pdf_colored_pagesGets the colored pages of a PDF by parsing Ghostscript (>9.05) output
89,5380interage-queryClasses to encapsulate queries
89,5380runby_paceRunby Pace is the core logic which simplifies the calculation of target paces used by t...
89,5380dtk-shellThe DTK Client is a command line tool to interact with your DTK Server and DTK Service ...
89,5380mk_cal_jplMkCalJpl is a calendar library including Japan's old-calendar, using JPL DE430.
89,5380saorin-server-reelrell server adapter for saorin
89,5380sensu-check-eec-statusA simple plugin to check eec status
89,5380deepenvGenerates a deeply nested configuration object suitable for backend apps, using environ...