Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138801-138820 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380rack-letteringRack Middleware for inserting Lettering.js style syntax into a response body
89,5380rubysl-win32apiRuby Standard Library - win32api
89,5380sass_multSASS command line executable only supports compiling one file at a time. This is ineffi...
89,5380middleman-segmentA Middleman extension to handle generating your Segment tracking code.
89,5380screenplayScreenplay helps with testing data driven applications like RESTful API's by writing sc...
89,5380localized_renderДобавляет метод localized_render для поддержки globalize-полей
89,5380reidlinePlace holder for reidline libralies.
89,5380faraday-cache-advancedSometimes you gotta cache POST requests. This gem gives you a Faraday middleware to ca...
89,5380google-apis-adexchangebuyer_v1_2This is the simple REST client for Ad Exchange Buyer API V1_2. Simple REST clients are ...
89,5380kontainerIoc container for ruby 3+
89,5380omniauth-osm-oauth2OpenStreetMap OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth.
89,5380simple_injectorA gem to handle dependency injection on ruby applications
89,5380gnoso-spreadsheet_reportSimple tool for running queries against ActiveRecord and putting them into a Google Spr...
89,5380doorkeeper_scopes_per_flowDoorkeeper extension to limit scopes available per flow/grant_type and specify a defaul...
89,5380htobonm-rubycalcAn implementation of a basic calculator on ruby
89,5380middleware_autocompleteRails middleware that generates responses for your requests without hitting your Applic...
89,5380powermtaThis is an extension to Ruby's net/smtp library that lets you take advantage of Pow...
89,5380michael-transformerturn your ruby objects into a html representation using transformers
89,5380fifthcardBased on the PayPal card puzzle described at http://www.quora.com/What-s-the-hardest-pu...
89,5380spud_adminSpud Admin Panel Engine