Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139221-139240 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731forwarder3Ruby's core Forwardable gets the job done(barely) and produces most unreadable code.
110,9731JackDanger-jackA web framework for Javascript.
110,9731http_serverRuby's HTTP server implementation
110,9731mfilej-httpartyMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.
110,9731dysinger-jekyllJekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.
110,9731mobleyThis is a custom theme built for joshmobley.net
110,9731dcm_clientA reference implementation, written in Ruby, to interact with GovDelivery's DCM API.
110,9731simple_gifThis is uploaded only for personal usage yet.
110,9731command-designerBuild command text based on multiple filters
110,9731backbone-mixpanelThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
110,9731appbeatProvides a mountable endpoint to monitor all application and its components
110,9731hola_ellenwangA simple hello world gem
110,9731alego_reportTem a funcionalidade de facilitar a geração de relatórios utilizando rghost
110,9731computer_please_do_you_happen_to_know_the_time_please_thank_you_meowAliases .computer_please_do_you_happen_to_know_the_time_please_thank_you_meow to .now, ...
110,9731indieauthRuby implementation of Indieauth
110,9731axon-natsA simple NATS wrapper which uses JSON
110,9731rentranceAn attempt to hook up a Rails action controller with Grape parameter validation DSL
110,9731soldierAn alternative to beeswithmachineguns
110,9731daylite-modelsSet of ActiveRecord classes to work with the Daylite 3 database