Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139241-139260 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731pin-it-buttona simple way to add the pin it button to sites
110,9731cereal_boxSerialization filters for active record.
110,9731ns-rake_tasksWrite a longer description. Optional.
110,9731sfn-bucketpurgeAutomatic bucket purge for sfn
110,9731adtraction-apiRuby client to interact with Adtraction's API
110,9731bzsnippetsRuby and Rails code snippets
110,9731bzproxiescollection of reusable proxies and accessors and etc.
110,9731motion_descendants_trackerA RubyMotion port of descendants_tracker
110,9731better-coinbaseThe Coinbase API, wrapped, maintained, and better.
110,9731aframe-switchSet and retrieve an arbitrary switch flag via GET and POST.
110,9731activerecord-real_enumsAdd support for Postgresql Enum type in ActiveRecord
110,9731nippouNippou editor for Hacker
110,9731ass2srtASS (Advanced Sub Station Alpha) file converter to srt file
110,9731has_many_through_generatorGenerates two ActiveRecord models, a many-to-many model, and a *has_many :other_model, ...
110,9731as_mongoadd some common usage feature to mongo driver, extend the mongo driver,do not use orm.
110,9731calorieA simple ruby calendar display mechanism.
110,9731canisruby ncurses library for easy application development providing most controls, minimal ...
110,9731mb-progressionA minimal progress bar
110,9731bundler-bouncerShould your app run in the Bundler sandbox? Well then make sure it is, let bundler-boun...