Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139301-139320 of all 180,507 gems.
64,8361esumitra-test_offA library for Behavior Driven Development of VBA code
64,8361phone_com_clientThis is a Phone.com api PhoneCom definition. Based on Swagger/OpenAPI, generated using ...
64,8361eric-godGod is an easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby.
64,8361icfsICFS is a case management and filing system, developed for investigative cases, but...
64,8361toadieAnalyze your source code, find open todos and output a nice html report.
64,8361ifocusttIf Focus, Then That. Do stuff when you need to focus.
64,8361duneA Ruby API client for the Dune Analytics API
64,8361gitlab_ciGitlab is a Ruby wrapper and CLI for the [GitLab-CI API](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/...
64,8361assert_triggeringAllows to write 'assert_triggered event_name' in your tests.
64,8361embed_workflowAPI client for Embed Workflow
64,8361hash_ofSyntactic sugar to create hashes of hashes or arrays and ability to make them recursive.
64,8361jekyll-og-imageJekyll plugin to generate GitHub-style open graph images
64,8361background.jsa background dynamic effect libraries
64,8361francois-ttTrack your time locally, offline, using this simple tool.
64,8361fs-facebookerFacebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://w...
64,8361futuresinc-mimetype-fuget the mimetype of a file directly in Ruby
64,8361fastpbkdf2Ruby bindings for fastpbkdf2
64,8361github_organization_member_listshow your organization member with team and repository
64,8361bin_toolsBinary I/O library for Ruby that is similar to using the C# Binary Reader and Writer.