Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
140721-140740 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700carrierwave-base64-storagePlaces a serialized file into a field as a Base64 string and returns the data-url for it
38,9700plowdawg-carrierwaveUpload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on diff...
38,9700spree_custom_apispree_custom_api is a complete open source e-commerce solution built with Ruby on Rails...
38,9700circle_statusA CLI tool to report your Circle CI build status.
38,9700file_crawlerFileCrawler searches and controls files in local directory
38,9700linki-nifty_generatorsA collection of useful generator scripts for Rails.
38,9700elastic_attributesFlexible attribute mapping
38,9700capture_cameraTake a photo from the macbook camera
38,9700torqboxTorqueBox Next Generation
38,9700mailgatSimple client wrapper for Mailgun API using Faraday client
38,9700jira_fix_version_releaseA utility to create and release jira fix versions
38,9700hexcolorHexcolor generates a random hex color
38,9700gss_generatorGenerate generalized spiral set that are the set of points with uniform distribution on...
38,9700active_qlessThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
38,9700tkrzw-unofficialDBM (Database Manager) is a concept of libraries to store an associative array on a per...
38,9700damn-legacyTool to help with legacy code and fix bugs
38,9700fenixLightweight web framework inspired by Sinatra
38,9700gem_calculatingCalculator gem that can add, subtract, multiply, and divide
38,9700constructExtensible, persistent, structured configuration for Ruby.