Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
140781-140800 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250oss_rbOpenSearchServer Ruby Client
68,6250sallie_mae_gatewayTo accommodate the SSO functionality of SallieMae Business Office Solutions Electronic ...
68,6250salamA simple hello world gem for farsi
68,6250merb_footnotesProvides an extensible footnotes debugging bar to Merb development mode
68,6250reddishRedis client for ruby, inspired by Nest
68,6250vcsdiffA ruby gem for inspecting diffs generated by git/svn/hg diff using vim or Kompare
68,6250velociraptorManaged proxy server
68,6250gemputThe best way to manage your gemfile's version.
68,6250feedlroputility functions for Feedly API.
68,6250logicallLogicall is a minimalist implementation of interactor pattern with clear separation bet...
68,6250saturdayA Gem to find Saturdays in a month or a year or in a given month or year
68,6250localio-mAutomatic Localizable file generation for multiple platforms (Rails YAML, Android, Java...
68,6250problem_detailA "problem detail" as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in a HTTP respo...
68,6250rs_floating_durationThe floating_duration crate can format time durations as strings
68,6250rabidA library and CLI tool allowing to decode all 4 types of BigIP cookies
68,6250sk8z_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
68,6250turkish_citiesList and find Turkish cities via name, district name, post code, plate number. Calculat...
68,6250pg_copyA wrapper for PostgreSQL's COPY command
68,6250magratheaStart the conversation in your project to use a dark-light theme structure with your CS...
68,6250sassmeisterSass compiler and Sinatra routing for SassMeister.com