Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
140741-140760 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250huginn_activision_games_status_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
68,6250volt-fieldsProvides controls for text and textarea fields with built in error reporting and bootst...
68,6250fmt_aliasSimply create virtual fields to humanize real field values
68,6250posix-mqueueposix-mqueue is a simple wrapper around the mqueue(7).
68,6250move_associationsThis gem extends ActiveRecord to move associated records based on has_many and has_one ...
68,6250joechillChill starts a subprocess that dies when its parent does.
68,6250hashifySimple to_hash, to_json <-> from_hash, from_json
68,6250str2timeConvert string time representations into seconds
68,6250saberma-saberma-activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter-nvarchar2Oracle enhanced adapter for ActiveRecord (change varchar2 to nvarchar2)
68,6250rack-async2syncA Rack middleware that transforms async requests (using thin + async_sinatra for exampl...
68,6250uri-gitAn URI scheme handler for git:// protocol
68,6250sinatra-twilioEasily create Twilio apps with Sinatra
68,6250luegoSimplify your threads with future objects that turn into the thread value when it finishes
68,6250ululeA simple Ruby wrapper for the Ulule API
68,6250lonelyelk-file_pathFilePath is a ruby class to simplify file path interaction
68,6250spree_postal_serviceCalculate weight based charges for a Spree order
68,6250sequence_logoSequenceLogo is a tool for drawing sequence logos of motifs. It gets Positional Count M...
68,6250rhino.mocksA dynamic mock object framework for the .Net platform. It's purpose is to ease testing ...
68,6250unitwise-parseParse Full Strings to Unitwise Objects
68,6250loggedBetter logging for rails