Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141921-141940 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731azi3this is test3 gem
110,9731capsicumExperimental interface to Capsicum sandboxing
110,9731bryanlarsen-railroadRailRoad is a class diagrams generator for Ruby on Rails applications.
110,9731linkedobjectA linked object is a holy object with the power to change itself according to the world.
110,9731middleman-weinreAuto starts Weinre remote debugger and prvides a simple insert helper to inject the scr...
110,9731prct10Chiquito tonto el que use esta gema
110,9731mkrbThe `mkrb` utility installs a pre-built binary of a Ruby engine for your platform, or a...
110,9731sensu-plugins-loadavgThis plugin provides facilities for monitoring the system load average
110,9731backbone-associations-railsBackbone-associations provides a way of specifying 1:1 and 1:N relationships between Ba...
110,9731benchmark_to_jsBenchmarks content in views and logs times to the Javascript console.
110,9731bringhurstInfer your methods' types and generate signatures.
110,9731bootstrap-guardsjs-railsThis gem depends on the guardsjs-rails gem and adds Bootstrap functionality to make gua...
110,9731btakita-screw_unitThe Screw Unit server conveniently serves your Screw Unit specs and implementations jav...
110,9731sb_potholesmore info on potholes than you'll ever need
110,9731omniauth-azure_graphomniauth provider for Azure Graph API
110,9731buzzware-buzzvilleCapistrano recipes and ruby code relating to deployment
110,9731scalthis is just a placeholder for the name - scal - smart-calendar
110,9731brainstormCreates chains of events for easy data processing