Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141961-141980 of all 180,629 gems.
141,6170compact_timeThe gem is an implementation of a proposal by its author to describe date and/or time i...
141,6170alpaca-trade-apiAlpaca API lets you build and trade with real-time market data for free.
141,6170command-geniegenie — Run commands that are bound to directories.
141,6170action_uiMetour Lipsumar
141,6170compass-bannersprovides mixins for standard web banners
141,6170dogeventerA DSL for generating Datadog events
141,6170easy_youtubeThis is a simple Gem for dealing with youtube videos
141,6170absgitThis gem contains a program which allows one to manipulate files in a Git repository fr...
141,6170calculatoCalculato offers a wide range of medical topics calculations.
141,6170budget-bytes-cliCurrently in Beta, please report bugs to the author.
141,6170activeadmin-mongomapperActiveAdmin hacks to support mongomapper (some ActiveAdmin features are disabled)
141,6170activemerchant-realex3dsRealex is the leading payment provider for Ireland. The default gateway included in Act...
141,6170d_cloneDeep clone Array and Hash.
141,6170esewaEsewa Integration
141,6170acts_as_expirableWith ActsAsExpirable, you can mark ActiveRecord records as expired and programmatically...
141,6170christoph-buente-ruby-xtractFFI wrapper for libxtract which is a simple, portable, lightweight library of audio fea...
141,6170ardA gem to help create and organize commands in Apple Remote Desktop
141,6170bitfinex_apiThis is a BitfinexApi Ruby Gem to access and manage Bitfinex data provided by its API.