Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141941-141960 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470wvanbergen-clieopThis library is a pure Ruby, MIT licensed implementation of the CLIEOP03 transaction fo...
75,3470redpotionRedPotion - The best combination of RubyMotion tools and libraries
75,3470sinatra-fix_951Sinatra version 1.4.5 only: Fix bug #951 (Note that this is fixed on newer versions)
75,3470ts_language_packSets of string constants representing various languages to be used throughout application
75,3470rdoc-markdownRDoc plugin to generate markdown documentation and search index as sqlite database for ...
75,3470traverTraver is an object creation framework
75,3470submailSubmail client api.
75,3470zebra_printerThis DSL is for zebra printers and support languages ZPLII and EPLII
75,3470sappSupports Sinatra like blocks and Rails like resources.
75,3470tee-ioClient SDK for interfacing with tee.io
75,3470sinatra-ghetto_i18nOversimplified I18N for your Sinatra application.
75,3470ruck-glappA ruck shreduler which runs in an OpenGL callback, with frame, keyboard, and mous...
75,3470tgbyte-activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapterInstall this gem to use Sqlite3 with JRuby on Rails.
75,3470roles_for_mmFaciliatates adding a role strategy to your Mongo Mapper user model
75,3470gittyupNew users to git and Heroku sometimes have trouble with the sy...
75,3470railstankindextank rails plugin
75,3470rainbow-submarine-test-3356No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/sw...
75,3470redi_search_railsSimplifies integration with http://redisearch.io/ and Rails applications.
75,3470usergrid_ironhorseRails ActiveModel gem to access Usergrid / Apigee App Services
75,3470spree_testimonialsWith this gem you get management tools to make it very easy to update your testimonials...