Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142061-142080 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772dotjs_sprocketsdoT.js templates for sprockets powered by ExecJS.
136,3772rivalryThe (fast!) duplicate file finder for Ruby! Supports media file and ignoring SCM direct...
136,3772who_is_itauto tag social people
136,3772squirrelKeep track of your Code Releases with Squirrel.
136,3772faster_html_escapeFaster version of ERB::Util.html_escape
136,3772select_weekdayA tag for days of the week, plus some convenience methods for handling weekdays
136,3772testrailv2A Ruby client that tries to match TestRail's API one-to-one, while still providing ...
136,3772zipmoney_merchantapiZipMoney Merchant API Initial build
136,3772eideticrmlReport Markup Language
136,3772base36Convert numbers to and from Base36 format
136,3772pathfindingA pathfinding library based on A* algorithm. Different options about heuristic and ...
136,3772naptimeDescribe your data entity using JSON and have naptime generate your RESTFul API endpoints
136,3772gem_yangcs2009Write a longer description. Optional.
136,3772configuratrillaAllows to set configuration files with ruby in free and easy style.
136,3772FBDistributedNotificationA Gem that can send messages using NSDistributedNotificationCenter
136,3772grammarsGeneric context-free grammar tagger
136,3772retirerA gem wrapper around retire.js
136,3772ruby-koan-exercisesShared exercises for ruby koans
136,3772rack-config_envA rack middleware to configure rack env.
136,3772grapeapeMessage based, event driven web dsl in ruby