Daily Downloads Ranking

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142021-142040 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772catterCatter is a Ruby gem that provides a fun way to display random cat emojis in your appli...
136,3772formagio-utilsSimple utilities to work
136,3772hola_sishikawagem adding test.
136,3772simonjefford-simplenoteUses HTTParty to present a nice Ruby wrapper for SimpleNote
136,3772pkoch-spork-testunitTest Unit runner for spork
136,3772changelog_jiraChangelog generation has never been so easy. Fully automate changelog generation - this...
136,3772kimurai_dynamicModern web scraping framework written in Ruby and based on Capybara/Nokogiri, with dyna...
136,3772nanonano87-cucumber_statisticsWant to know what is slowing down your build?
136,3772cacheifyCacheify can cache method calls to memory, disk, memcache or whatever is supported by t...
136,3772dep-cjSpecify your project's dependencies in one file.
136,3772slyphon-rabbitmq_client_jarsthe rabbitmq client jar files as a gem
136,3772each_with_time_intervalIterator with real time intervals
136,3772arithmetic_problemsA gem to generate unique arithmetic i.e, addition, problems
136,3772cirqusA CQRS framework for Deviant
136,3772rs_yettingsYettings uses encrypted YML files that allow you to safely store sensitive configuratio...
136,3772git-gameThe git committer guessing game!
136,3772pontoonA simple Raft distributed consensus implementation
136,3772ogdfOGDF library binding.
136,3772gerrit-cliThis provides a tool for easing common interactions with Gerrit. It is mostly orthogona...
136,3772pry-selfWhen debugging in pry, it's useful to be able to access the instance variables of any o...