Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142721-142740 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382natthakit_view_helper_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
110,0382nesta-plugin-gtmmy first nesta plugin
110,0382envoy_activerecord_pg_stuffAdds support for working with temporary tables and pivot tables (PostgreSQL only)
110,0382brewby-cliAn ncurses-based terminal application for the Brewby ecosystem
110,0382nirvdrum-amazon-ec2A Ruby library for accessing the Amazon Web Services EC2, ELB, RDS, Cloudwatch, and Aut...
110,0382fluent-plugin-aliyun-slsAliyun SLS output plugin for Fluentd event collector
110,0382yelprYelp gem for the masses.
110,0382niftygeneratorsA collection of useful generator scripts for Rails.
110,0382defmacroMacros for ruby
110,0382clusterfuckAutomate the execution of jobs across multiple machines with SSH. Ideal for systems wit...
110,0382i_contactweb wrapper for icontact
110,0382jokerinocli for https://v2.jokeapi.dev/
110,0382jquery-weekline-railsruby gem for jquery weekline plugin for rails application
110,0382renderrorAdds easy renderring to your JSON API
110,0382wireframe-apn_on_railsapn_on_rails was developed by: ryan
110,0382ruby-bugzilla-nomagickThis aims to provide similar features to access to Bugzilla through WebService APIs in ...
110,0382cvpracArista REST API Client for CloudVision Portal
110,0382rails-i18n-word-countSimple Rails I18n gem that helps in counting amount of words in locales for estimating ...
110,0382filestringAdd one docstring-like filestring per file.