Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142781-142800 of all 180,660 gems.
113,0301pearPear is a simple pair-programmint tool for teams.
113,0301google-cloud-security_posture-v1Placeholder for the future Google-authored gem google-cloud-security_posture-v1. This p...
113,0301therubyracer-tmpforkCall JavaScript code and manipulate JavaScript objects from Ruby. Call Ruby code and ma...
113,0301yarraThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
113,0301sequel-jdbc-crateSequel JDBC adapter for Crate
113,0301logstash-codec-avro_headerThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
113,0301railsieveNormalizing Numeric Ranges and Make Default for params
113,0301myspace== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Sometimes it can be slow == SYNOPSIS: Credentials credentials...
113,0301s3downloadA command line tool for downloading protected files from S3
113,0301powerline-segmentsGem to easily generate powerline segments for TMUX
113,0301spectre_railsa gem for spectre css library
113,0301trivial_decoratorA simple decorator for Rails.
113,0301ultradns-sdk-fixedManipulate zones or add, update, remove records in UltraDNS
113,0301sentinel2_awsSentinel-2 metadata parser and downloader from AWS
113,0301gbs-signal-slotGBS::SignalSlot - a signal/slot mechanism in Ruby
113,0301to_hashA fork of qoobaa's to_hash gem forked to build the gem on rubygems.org
113,0301process_controlProcess Control is a wrapper to allow easy control for any external daemon type process...
113,0301rspec-pubsub-formatterPublish rspec status from a spec run into redis
113,0301namespaced_mixinNamespace your mixins in your classes.
113,0301quick_search-contentdmPlugin for NCSU Quicksearch to search contentDM