Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142761-142780 of all 180,660 gems.
113,0301view_tool_lillywhiteProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
113,0301jekyll-llnl-themeLLNL Themed Jekyll Template and Gem
113,0301ruby-avm-libraryThis library makes working with Astronomy Visualization Metadata (AVM) tags within XMP ...
113,0301g_thangA Rack-Compliant HTTP Server Implemented with GServer
113,0301ninjadocTomdoc for Coffeescript
113,0301flexmock-minitestSome lame monkeypatches to make a small subset of FlexMock functionality work with Mini...
113,0301jzajpt-mysql-rubyThis is the MySQL API module for Ruby. It provides the same functions for Ruby programs...
113,0301jzajpt-simple-daemonSimple module that adds daemon functionality to a Ruby script.
113,0301voteable_ingieA voting gem for my practice app
113,0301ruby_bitcoin_walletMain features to allow interaction with Bitcoin blockchain.
113,0301past-checkerYou can check if DateTime is past.
113,0301rhinothreadA simple way to limit a queue of threads.
113,0301gcal_mapperA library to map Google Calendar events with an ORM
113,0301matchdata-highlightMatchData Highlighter
113,0301InsuranceBizLogicInsuranceBizLogic contains biz logic for stand four insurance processes of NB, MTA, Can...
113,0301flip-tableSometimes, you just need to virtually flip a table over in frustration.
113,0301strcmpA simple ruby gem that is used to compute how similar two strings are to one another. I...
113,0301hola_willA simple hello world gem
113,0301liveblog-plugin-indexerA LiveBlog plugin to Index previous entries to facilitate using keywords to search the ...
113,0301jm3-rubunkulousreentrant link-checker for del.icio.us power-users