Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143521-143540 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700prefixed-log-formatterLog file lines should be prefixed with log level, timestamp, process id and an easy-to-...
38,9700us_address_clientUS Address Client that calls the privately hosted US Address Service that calls Melissa...
38,9700config_logicAn intuitive configuration access layer
38,9700codebreaker_boCodebreaker is a logic game in which a code-breaker tries to break a secret code created.
38,9700gravithequeTools for brewers.
38,9700parliamentA Rack app for automatically merging pull request when conditions are met.
38,9700caesar_encryptA simple encrypt
38,9700auser-ruberlA quick and dirty module you can include in your classes to give you an easy connection...
38,9700danger-spec_postfixDanger plugin to validate files (or directories) naming.
38,9700rubopolisAll custom rubocop for Rails project
38,9700auroraA Simple Authentication Server
38,9700genki-merb_composerMerb plugin that provides composition of controllers.
38,9700padrino-sextantAn easy way to view your routes from internal mounted apps in the browser as an alterna...
38,9700curl_escapeFast url escaping by libcurl
38,9700active_mongoSchemaless Mongo ORM for Rails 3.0
38,9700backtracerQuality backtraces for ruby
38,9700hivemindA multi-syntax programming language
38,9700nimbler-pathReplace File and Path methods with Nim alternatives for speed
38,9700mallocThis Ruby extension defines the class Hornetseye::Malloc. Hornetseye::Malloc#new allows...
38,9700rails-botIt creates a bot for you