Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143581-143600 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470formationfirst-class ruby forms
75,3470thrift-jsonThe missing JsonProtocol from Thrift
75,3470omniauth-tsohuan omniauth strategy for sohu weibo
75,3470rjBackground jobs on RabbitMQ
75,3470stupeflixclientA client library for using stupeflix from ruby
75,3470tweedleLightweight wrapper for the Twitter Streaming API
75,3470mislav-is_paranoidActiveRecord 2.3 compatible gem "allowing you to hide and restore records without actua...
75,3470strocketsUse Stitch allong with Sprockets
75,3470rabbithutchRabbitMq Trace Logger - Listen to multiple RabbitMq instances and log them to a single...
75,3470simple_showSimpleShow is to #show what SimpleForm is to #edit
75,3470seo_pagesWeb interface to manage your pages title, meta description and meta keywords
75,3470sepastian-mongoid-paranoia-rails4Mongoid fork with support for Rails 4, for gem development. When releasing a gem, the g...
75,3470scc-less-rails-bootstrapCSS toolkit from Twitter For Rails 3.1+ Asset Pipeline. Best one of all!
75,3470team_hubContains resuable components extracted from the 18F Hub implementation for creating a t...
75,3470hottest_gemsSimple CLI displaying the hottest gems on https://rubygems.org/stats
75,3470git-autocompleteInstall this gem to have autocomplete for all git commands..
75,3470more-responsive-less-uiSimple and responsive web ui framework
75,3470gemadesafioSimple Hello World
75,3470rbma(SimpleMA) Moving average over last n day, (EMA) Exponential moving average, (IEMA) Exp...
75,3470simplecA CMS that doesn't take over an application.