Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143601-143620 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250spree_retailersSpree Retailers is a Spree extension for listing your company's retail stores on your w...
68,6250newrelic-metricsThis is a Ruby gem to easily get metrics for your application or servers from New Relic...
68,6250web_authnW3C Web Authentication API (a.k.a. WebAuthN / FIDO 2.0) RP library in Ruby
68,6250shabangTrivial convenience app for generating bin/executable unix utilites in scriping languag...
68,6250swift_generatorProvides an API and command line tool for generating "pure" Swift classes, ...
68,6250observable_collectionA simple, dependency-free library that allows for event-based observation of collection...
68,6250json_stiA common argument against STI in rails is that the tables eventually get cluttered with...
68,6250truemail-clientTruemail web API client library for Ruby
68,6250grape-entity-includeAn include option for grape-entity, expose object model's attributes if matching with a...
68,6250ppzcompile ppz to html
68,6250oheyA rewrite of the platform detection logic in ohai, but with fewer dependencies and 100%...
68,6250rspec-graphql-integrationAn RSpec plugin to simplify integration tests for GraphQL
68,6250wohnung_mongodbBusiness logic for the Wohnung application.
68,6250switchboard-contractService Contract for Avvo's Public API
68,6250rspec_attribute_matchersRSpec helpers for ActiveRecord models.
68,6250quiver_toolboxQuiverToolbox is utility tools for Quiver.
68,6250tms_bridgeProvides parsing and authtentication for publishing into TMS client apps.
68,6250sid_gemA simple hello world gem
68,6250fucking-great-adviceThat gem is to make easy access to great advices from fucking-great-advice.ru