Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144381-144400 of all 180,629 gems.
141,6170action_mailer_auto_previewsEnhances the ActionMailer Previews introduced in 4.1 by automatically creating ActionMa...
141,6170appveyor-apiGem to wrap AppVeyor API for simpler interactions with the AppVeyor Api
141,6170blairly_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
141,6170emoji_logQuickly scan your logs using the power of emojis.
141,6170drb_queueSimple drb-based queue/worker system
141,6170chauffeurChauffeur is a tool to help manage drivers for automating browsers.
141,6170donkeyAsynchronous Service Stages for Distributed Services
141,6170annoying_crc_16C extension to provide a specific implementation of CRC-16 for a very picky application
141,6170blackwinter-perseus_matchFuzzy string matching based on linguistic analysis
141,6170bluemix-railsCommand line tool that sets up rails project for Bluemix
141,6170dalia_api_survey_platformRuby wrapper for the Dalia's API
141,6170beaker_spec_helperContains a standard spec_helper for running acceptance tests on puppet modules
141,6170certsteppercreate ios dev cert simple
141,6170cc_menuRuby on Rails extenstion for supporting CCMenu
141,6170actionmailer_interceptorIntercepts and forwards emails to the given address in the specified environments.
141,6170archestry_lookupDialect lookup
141,6170distance_in_weeksreturns distance of time in weeks
141,6170another_echonest_ruby_apiYet another ruby client for Echonest API
141,6170braiseSyntatic sugar for the raise method
141,6170action_mailer-logged_smtp_deliveryActionMailer SMTP delivery strategy with advanced logging and Bcc support