Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144421-144440 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470thingiesThis is a test for gem building and primarily requiring application dependencies. It ca...
75,3470letter_opener_web_s3Gives letter_opener and letter_opener_web work with S3
75,3470sortableSortable provides a DSL for defining sort order on any Ruby object To use it, you just...
75,3470omniauth-bitcasaUnofficial OmniAuth strategy for Bitcasa.
75,3470mysql_replication_monitorConnects to both master and slave and compares their status, allowing you to check whet...
75,3470ogemA Gem to manage your fleet on Ogame. Fr
75,3470spree_controllers_with_callbacksExtend controllers using callbacks
75,3470snowflake-rbsnowflake ruby impl
75,3470tourbusTourBus, a web load-testing tool that combines complex 'tour' definitions with scalable...
75,3470spamtrapCreate bogus form fields (honeypots) that will be filled-in by spambots. When submitted...
75,3470llt-reviewReviews annotations
75,3470turtle_hunterFails slow specs
75,3470vagrant-adamA Vagrant plugin that runs a given provision script before any other tasks.
75,3470sqliThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
75,3470paper_trail-active_recordVarious ActiveRecord extensions to make your life easier when working with PaperTrail v...
75,3470phony_attributeActiveModel field serializer for handling phone numbers via Phony gem
75,3470sprockets-webpackitcompile webpack bundles in sprockets
75,3470rapidomizeConnect to Rapidomize cloud with Ruby
75,3470render_table_v2Extensible ruby html table building classes.